Would you like to:
- Work outdoors?
- Ride horses or off-road vehicles?
- Pursue an exciting career path in land conservation?
Explore profiles of Rangeland Management Specialists who have made their careers working on landscapes they love.
see all profiles »To become a Range Technician you need at least 1 year of study that includes at least 6 semester hours of courses such as range management or conservation, agriculture, forestry, wildlife management, engineering, biology, mathematics, or other natural or physical sciences.
To become a Rangeland Management Specialist you need a degree in range management or related discipline with at least 42 semester hours in a combination of the plant, animal, and soil sciences, and natural resources management, as follows:
- 18 semester hours of Range Management
- 15 semester hours of directly related Plant, Animal, and Soil Sciences
- 9 semester hours of Related Resource Management Studies
Most Rangeland Management jobs require a four year college degree. View the list of schools offering rangeland programs in your state or province.
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The creation of this Rangeland Recruitment Webpage was made possible by USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant No. 2010-38411-21370 "Repositioning Rangeland Education for a Changing World."